Components are elements you can reuse across your designs. They help to create and manage consistent designs across pages.

A button component with 4 state

A button component with 4 state


Properties are the variable aspects of our component. For example, the properties of a button component could be the Status or Type.

Property Values

Values are the different options available for each property.

For example:


the Status property could have DefaultHover values.

the Type property could have PrimarySecondary values.


One component may have multiple states, but each state needs to be a unique combination of properties and values.




    State 1:  Primary Default

**State 1:**  Primary Default

 State 3:  Secondary Default

State 3: Secondary Default


     State 2:  Primary Hover

 **State 2:**  Primary Hover

   State 4:  Secondary Hover

State 4: Secondary Hover

1. Create Button Component & Hover State